Delicious Magazine Launches The 2011 Produce Awards

The search is on for Australia’s best produce in the delicious. Produce Awards 2011.

Nominations now open with the October Issue!

Australia’s small, artisan producers are the heroes of our food industry, and we need your help to find the best of the best as we launch the delicious. Produce Awards 2011.

Now in their sixth year, the awards are widely supported and recognised in the food industry. The awards acknowledge those who are committed to quality and sustainable practices in what they grow and create, as well as chefs and food lovers who help to promote small producers.

Nominees are shortlisted and tasted throughout the year by a panel of leading chefs around the country, before being presented to our national judges to decide next year’s winners.

In addition to the primary produce categories of From the Earth, From the Sea, From the Dairy, From the Paddock and Best New Product, this year sees the introduction of a new award for Best Regional Product, aimed at discovering artisans working with their local primary growers to bring quality products to market.

“Every great meal, whether at home or in a restaurant, begins with good produce,” says delicious. senior editor and awards panellist Matt Preston. “The awards shine a spotlight on our food heroes, people who are raising the bar on what great produce means.”

The national judges are:
*    Alla Wolf-Tasker (The Lake House, Vic)
*    Matt Moran (Aria Restaurant, NSW/Qld)
*    Cheong Liew (The Botanical, Vic)
*    Philip Johnson (E’cco Bistro, Qld)
*    And patron, Maggie Beer (SA)

They will be assisted by state judges:
*  NSW Justin North, Bécasse and Alex Herbert, Bird Cow Fish
*  VIC Paul Wilson, Mr. Wilson Consulting and Matt Wilkinson, Pope Joan
*  SA Mark McNamara, Appellation and David Swain, Fino
*  QLD Shane Bailey, Berardo’s Restaurant and Bar, and Kym Machin, Urbane
*  WA Hadleigh Troy, Restaurant Amusé and Sophie Zalokar
*  TAS Annie Parmentier, Dev’Lish, and Daniel Alps, Daniel Alps at Strathlynn

Readers who nominate in the awards and show their support for local producers have the chance to win a $5000 luxury escape for two to Hamilton Island’s Qualia resort. Nominations close 20 May 2010.
To nominate now, visit:

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