Export Market Development Grants Workshops


Austrade in partnership with the Queensland Government would like to invite you to attend an Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Coaching workshop. These small-group, personalised sessions will help you get EMDG ready and maximise your grant entitlement.

When:                Wednesday 30 September 2009
Time:                 9.00am – 11.15am
Venue:              Cairns Colonial Club, Somerset room
Address:           Behan Street, Manunda
Car Parking:    Available at the Conference centre on Behan street
Bookings:         see https://www.austrade.gov.au/Coachingsessions/

This workshop is free of charge and will cover topics such as:

•   How to apply for an EMDG Grant
•   How EMDG assists Australian exporters
•   Who is eligible for a Grant
•   What can be claimed under the Grant scheme
•   How to complete an application form
•   Guide to Record keeping
•   Tips and Hints on how to get the best out of the scheme.
•   Changes for the 2008/09 grant year

Research indicates that, on average, companies attending coaching workshops
receive larger grants, receive their grants faster and find the application process
easier. Clients also feel more confident to self-prepare their application.


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