TQUAL Funding for Tropical North Queensland

In December 2009, The Australian Government Department of Resources, Engergy and Tourism announced a successful  TQUAL grant of over $440,000 for the Cairns region.

To Develop and Position Tropical North Queensland as an Emerging Agri-Food Tourism Destination.

The project was initiated by Australian Tropical Foods through Advance Cairns in collaboration with the Southern Cross University. It will commence in February 2010 and end by April 2011.

Project Description:-

The project will build an alternative tourism theme for the region, based on tropical agri-food experiences, long term strategic approach, with a clearly targeted action plan to assist existing businesses to adapt, and new enterprises to emerge.

This project will provide the framework for a complimentary product and experience cluster to establish over time, preparing the region for the anticipated impact of climate change on the reef and dispersing visitation into the broader region.

Funding will be used for research, developing action plans to implement the food strategy; building capacity; developing and delivering a regional food brand and marketing strategy.


 Activities of the Project include:-

    Further workshop development of the Agri-Tourism Industry by Southern Cross University
    Branding the region’s food & wine products
    Accreditation of Products
    SME Skills Training
    GPS Food Trail Maps
    Paddock to Plate development
    Major Food & Wine Event
    Trade Show Opportunities
    Media Coverage
    TQ & TTNQ  Marketing Support

For more information: contact Nola Craig   T: 0409 593 958

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