
The Nestlé GOLDEN CHEF’S HAT AWARD is dedicated to the development of Australia’s brightest apprentice chefs. Each year the competition awards two chefs under 25 the chance to develop their career through overseas training.

Competing in the Nestlé GOLDEN CHEF’S HAT AWARD gives young chefs the opportunity to become recognised as the best up and coming apprentices in the industry by going up against their peers and putting their cooking skills to the test.

The competition sees Australia’s apprentice chefs first competing in a series of Regional Cook-offs. The best teams from each region secure a place at the National Final Cook-off, to be held in Melbourne this September.

The 2010 national winners will be awarded an international travel prize, worth $15,000.

All national finalists have the opportunity to win Online Blackjack medals for achievement in culinary excellence to recognised standards in entrée, main and dessert course categories.

The Nestlé GOLDEN CHEF’S HAT AWARD is the longest running chef’s competition in Australia with the first event held in 1966. It has been solely sponsored by Nestlé since 1986 and is Australia’s only national junior culinary competition.

To be eligible for entry, you must be an Australian resident, not older than 25 years on 30 September 2010 and form a team of two and decide on your team leader.

The Regional Finals will  be held at TNQ TAFE  Cairns on 10th July 2010

Please contact the ACF National Office if you require more information.
Deb Foreman
ACF Certified Chef De Cuisine
National Office Manager ACF        
Ph 03 98169859     Fax  03 98175703

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