On-Line Program for Small Businesses

April 20th, 2010 tanner


  • want to develop a website or improve your website?

    want to get into e-commerce (internet bookings & sales)?

    want to upgrade your marketing activities?

The Gulf Savannah/ Tablelands Small Business On-Line program is now up and running!
A series of FREE face-to-face workshops and internet-based workshops (“online” workshops or “webinars”) will be run from April 2010 to June 2011 – attend as many workshops/ webinars as you want

In addition to the workshops, eligible businesses can also get up to 6 hours of individualised support from our IT consultancy panel (conditions apply, including that you must do at least one workshop/ webinar). The number of businesses that can access this support is limited – first in, first served

Eligible businesses must be based in one of the following Shires: Tablelands, Etheridge, Carpentaria, Burke, Mornington, Doomadgee.

  • Workshops/ Webinar Topics (2 hours each)
    Why Go On-Line? 
    Internet and Website Basics
    Rank #1 on Google
    Email Marketing
    Advanced Website Skills
    How to Source Information
    Tourism Marketing On-Line

Don’t miss this great opportunity!!  Register with Sue Fairley on 0417 735 724 or smallbusiness@gulf-savannah.com.au

‘This is an Australian Government funded initiative under the Small Business Online program’.

Thanks also to our project partners, including: SkyTrans Airlines, Local Councils, Telstra, DEEDI, Savannah Regional Health Service, Ash’s Karumba, End of the Road Motel

For more information



Organic Roadshow – Atherton

April 20th, 2010 tanner

Organic food and farming is gaining extraordinary interest around the world. 

It stands to reason that with the diminishing value of orthodox farmed food products, converting to organic practices makes sense; not only for gaining a higher price for your product, but also for the benefits of climate change as well as the health of our nation. 

If you are interested in seeking the latest information on biological production systems and organic/ biodynamic food and farming, come along to the Organics Roadshow.

This event is an excellent opportunity for those who want to make key contacts and network with industry members and is an opportunity to play pokies online free view trade displays of companies supplying organic ‘allowed inputs’ and related products and services.

Consisting of brief and practical talks, regardless of your type of business, you will gain an insight into biological farming systems and the entire organic supply chain.

The Biological Farmers of Australia & Seasol proudly present The Organic Roadshow

Date: 8.30am – 4.00pm, Saturday May 8, 2010

Venue: Atherton International Club, Kennedy Hwy, Atherton

RSVP: Wednesday May 5, 2010 Ph: 07 3350 5716 ext. 232 or (07) 4095 4688 (Elders Tolga) Fax: 07 3350 5996 Email: events@bfa.com.au / or go to www.bfa.com.au to download a booking form.

for further information click here

Food Regulation Stakeholders Forum

April 8th, 2010 tanner

Date:  Thursday 29th April 2010

Time:  9:30am to 3:30pm

Venue: The Hotel Cairns, Cnr Abbott & Florence Streets, Cairns QLD

Safe Food Production Queensland (SFPQ) in conjunction with Queensland Health and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) are holding a forum to discuss issues relating to food safety regulation.

Some of the topics that will be explored are food safety programs for vulnerable populations, reducing red tape for food businesses, and where Queensland fits into the national context. We invite you to attend this meeting to share your ideas and suggestions on these important issues.

For more information and bookings:-


Innovation – Gateway to Success Workshop

April 8th, 2010 tanner

Date:         Monday, 19 April 2010

Venue:      Cairns Colonial Club.
This workshop, presented by the Australian Institute for Commercialisation will provide businesses with a structured approach to encourage innovation within their business.  The benefits of alliances between industry and research facilities will also be discussed.

For more information:  5948_innovationwkshp_cairns_lr

ReGenAG Holistic Management

March 31st, 2010 tanner

When:   16th-18th August 2010
Where:  Wetherby Station – Mount Molloy Far North Queensland

FarmReady Approved Course ID#  FRTC0703

Sustainable grazing and agricultural land management emphasises soil building, water conservation, and long range planning for productivity and health.

Sustainable agriculture benefits the land and soil – and it also materially and financially benefits the farmer. In this course, you’ll learn principles and practices that can be used to conserve water, regenerate degraded soils rapidly, and incorporate the use of grazing animals beneficially.

Benefits include improving soil health and biodiversity of rangelands and pastures., increasing grazing and wildlife capacity, increasing annual profits and enhancing livelihoods, optimally using rainfall and conserving water, growing healthier crops and achieving higher yields, reversing desertification in brittle environments, breaking the cycle of food and water insecurity, and enhancing family relationships.

For more information click here

Permaculture Design Certificate

March 31st, 2010 tanner

5th – 19th September 2010

Walkamin • Far North Queensland

To coincide with the much anticipated Australasian Permaculture Convergence APC10, we are running another Permaculture Design Certificate course in Tropical Far North Queensland with Darren Doherty. Darren, has designed and developed over 1100 properties across 4 continents and taught many PDC’s, including with both Bill Mollison & David Holmgren (the co-originators of Permaculture). Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from one of the best, internationally renowned teachers in the world!
FarmReady Approved Course – Course Number FRTC0408

For more information click here

ReGenAG BioFertile Farms

March 31st, 2010 tanner

When:   1st -3rd September 2010
Where:  Wetherby Station – Mount Molloy Far North Queensland
FarmReady Approved Course ID#  FRTC00717
Finally, a workshop that de-mystifies soil biology and how to improve it using your own on-farm resources! The practicalities of how to hydrate, enhance and heal your soils by understanding the soil food web plus how to make a range of biologically active Aerated Compost Teas. Taught by Paul Taylor from TrustNature and Eugenio Gras from COAS.

This very popular hands-on course will re-define the role Compost Tea plays on your property. This workshop focuses on practical techniques of applying compost and compost teas for small, medium and larger-scale farming, grazing and forestry operations.

One tonne of healthy topsoil will typically harbor as much as 25% of its weight in living microorganisms. Living soil life is essential for healthy soils. Adding more microbiology (of the right kind) to your soil strengthens its structure, makes nutrients available to the plants above, builds humus and leads to resilient, productive soils, naturally.

For more information click here

A comprehensive guide to strategically growing your business

March 11th, 2010 tanner


18th March 2010.   Introductory Program

19th March 2010.   Masterclass Program

The Ideas2Market Masterclass workshop is designed for existing businesses that are looking to grow, improve and foster sustainability

Topics include: preparing strategies for growth, building your brand, cost effective marketing, business model innovation, new product development, strategic management of intellectual property assets, funding for growth and more.

An initiative of the Queensland Government’s Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, the Ideas2Market small business workshops are delivered around Queensland by the AIC’s experienced
facilitators and include a range of guest speakers including patent attorneys and real-life business case studies.

Since 2005, the Ideas2Market small business program has assisted more than 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners to take their ideas to market.



Commercialise Your Food Product

March 11th, 2010 tanner


Are you an existing food processor
considering value-adding your product
have an idea to create a line of gourmet foods?

Here is a workshop for you!

This workshop is the result of a survey sent out to food processors to identified areas of
skills and knowledge required by the  food processing industry

The workshop brings four guest speakers from Brisbane and case studies of the region

Janette McDonald (Foodstream Pty Ltd)
Senior Food Technologist, highly experienced in Food product development and product commercialisation.

David Lewis (Director Food Stream)
David Lewis deliver the factory layout presentation on the second day. Food Engineering Case Study-Advanced Design Tools and Applications -This is based on the tea dryer design using FEA, CFD and CAD/CAM to achieve outcomes in systems design. Food Plant Design Considerations. What do I need to know to set up a processing facility? Should I use a co-packer or do it myself?

Renee Weaver (Evolve Brand Design)
Graphic Designer, services in brand creation and design, packaging design, visual identity.

Paul Westbury (Westbury Consulting) 
As a business consultant Paul Westbury has helped many businesses to grow from a small business to a medium sized enterprise primarily through the following two changes to their business:  (1) the development and implementation of systems for the management of people, finances, sales and marketing, supply chain and business operations; 
(2) for the owner of the business to stop working in the business and start working on the business.  Using systems that Paul has developed as tools for small businesses, his clients are greatly satisfied with the results.

DATE:                  Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd March 2010

TIME:                  Monday 9:00am – 4:30pm    Tuesday 9:00 – 3:30pm

VENUE:              Serbian Club 
                              Greenslope Street, Edgehill.

COST:                  $50.00 + gst (Subsidised discount price)

RSVP:                  Friday 12th  March, 2010.   COB


This is an initiative of Advance Cairns and funded by the Queensland Government Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation

Future Organics Opportunities Forum

March 11th, 2010 tanner

Wednesday 17th March, 2010

Platypus Bend Eco-Retreat

This forum is being held to bring together commercially minded existing or potential primary producers of organic, bio-dynamic, permaculture and other sustainable and diverse agriculture, to assist in the development of a feasibility study to identify future organic opportunities for the region.

Key Note Speaker – Andre Leu, Chair of the Organics Federation of Australia

A Food Industry project initiated by Advance Cairns and funded by the Queensland Government Department of Education, Economic Development and Innovation, has engaged Bob Cobavie to produce a feasibility study into the Future Opportunities for Organics (and other Alternative Agricultural Methods of Farming) in the region.   Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Who should attend: Exiting or Potential Commercial Organic, Bio-Dynamic, Permaculture, growers and food producers, retailers and  suppliers to the industry.
RSVP: Nola Craig
 Numbers are limited.  RSVP Essential
 By Sunday 14th March 2010.

For more information click here flyer