November 25th, 2010 tanner
The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation invites you to take part in a comprehensive activity-based workshop series where you will learn how to increase business profitability using website technology.
Social media for business
Wednesday 1 December 2010
Presented by Nicky Jurd of Precedence
This session will examine the various social media tools available and how you can best use these tools to market your business. Examine reputation management and how to avoid the mistakes businesses often make while marketing in the social arena. Explore Twitter, Facebook, blogs and review websites such as TripAdvisor.
Where to from here
Thursday 2 December 2010
This session will review eastern alamance hgh school the content covered in the previous three workshops. Attendees will be provided with a workbook to help prepare for the further advance with their online business. This session will have all three presenters available to address any questions.
5.30pm – 8.30pm on the dates specified |
Cairns Centre
Ground floor, Corner Grafton and Hartley Street
Cairns |
$33.00 (incl GST*) |
To register please complete the registration form and return to the Cairns Centre at the details below. |
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Telephone: 07 4048 1111
Facsimile: 07 4048 1122
Email: |
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November 24th, 2010 tanner
Export Master Class
Learn how to effectively pitch your product, service or companyand close export deals. Good pitching skills will give you the edge against local and international competition.
Time 10.15 am for 10.30 am to 2.30 pm
Date Tuesday 30 November 2010
Venue Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Cairns Regional Centre, Ground Floor, Cairns Port Authority Building
Cnr Grafton and Hartley Streets, Cairns
Cost $44 (incl. GST)
RSVP Please RSVP using the attached payment and registration form
For more information click here..
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November 24th, 2010 tanner
Export Masterclass
Exporting can be a highly profitable, rewarding strategy for your business to achieve success in international markets.
The risks in exporting can be effectively managed.
This master class will show you how to put in place techniques to protect your company from the risks associated with export, including a simple riskmanagement plan for your business.
Time 10.15 am for 10.30 am to 2.30 pm
Date Tuesday 7 December 2010
Venue Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Cairns Regional Centre Ground Floor, Cairns Port Authority Building
Cnr Grafton and Hartley Streets, Cairns
Cost $44 (incl. GST)
RSVP Please RSVP using the attached payment and registration form
For more information click here
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November 24th, 2010 tanner

Posted in ATF HOT NEWS, Courses,Training & Events | Comments Off on Joel Salatin – RegenAG Public Talk
November 15th, 2010 tanner
The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation invites you to take part in a comprehensive activity-based workshop series where you will learn how to increase business profitability using website technology.
What about online: beginner’s basics
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Presented by Robert Rutten of Rutten Technologies
This session will demystify the myths and clarify the terms generally used in relation to online businesses. From differentiating between business and domain names, email and web hosting, to the dos and don’ts of being online, this session will help you choose the right tool for the job.
Making online business work
Thursday 25 November 2010
Presented by Emmy Kerrigan of Atlas Projects
session will work through identifying a clear, comprehensive, strategic implementation plan. By identifying your key business needs to succeed and incorporating them with your online strategy, you are better prepared for a more effective online presence. Understand how having an online strategy can create an active marketing channel for your business and how this can help to achieve your business goal.
Social media for business
Wednesday 1 December 2010
Presented by Nicky Jurd of Precedence
This session will examine the various social media tools available and how you can best use these tools to market your business. Examine reputation management and how to avoid the mistakes businesses often make while marketing in the social arena. Explore Twitter, Facebook, blogs and review websites such as TripAdvisor.
Where to from here
Thursday 2 December 2010
This session will review the content covered in the previous three workshops. Attendees will be provided with a workbook to help prepare for the further advance with their online business. This session will have all three presenters available to address any questions.
Time 5.30pm – 8.30pm on the dates specified
Venue Cairns Centre
Ground floor, Corner Grafton and Hartley Street, Cairns
Cost $33.00 (incl GST*)
Register To register please complete the registration form and return to the Cairns Centre at the details below. Contact Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
PO Box 2358 CAIRNS QLD 4870
Telephone: 07 4048 1111 Facsimile: 07 4048 1122
Posted in ATF HOT NEWS, Chef's Corner, Courses,Training & Events | Comments Off on Building your online business
June 17th, 2010 tanner
Produce High Yielding Crops with Low Costs
Friday25th June 2010 – Hallorans Hill Observation Building,
Atherton (9:30am – 2:30pm)
Includes Light Lunch
Presentation funded by Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and Organic Federation of Australia (OFA) to help all producers cope with extremes in climate.
This workshop will teach all producers how to obtain consistent high yields of quality produce through world’s best science and proven practice in organic methods.
Who can attend?
Conventional, organic and biological producers, consumers and interested parties
Where – Halloran’s Hill Observation Building, Atherton
When & Time – Starts 9:30am, finishes 2:30pm, Friday 25th June 2010
Cost – $40 per person to cover cost of 100 page booklet outlining world best practice international research on organic & biological farm practices – fully referenced.
Presenters – Adam Willson and Greg Paynter, Soil Systems Australia
Benefits to growers
This workshop is a practical presentation to help all producers build soil health and resilience into their farming operation. Includes such practices as;
· Composting – how do I build the best compost
· Nutrients – what minerals build healthy soils and better crop production
· Increasing water use efficiency with soil carbon
· Green manuring/cover crops – when is the best timing
· Pasture management – how grazing builds soil carbon
· Weed and Pest Management through systems approach
· Polyculture & biological ameliorants – building buffers in my farm
· Why monitoring is so important?
· Water management – avoiding the extremes through farm design
· Using local resources in preference to branded products
· Marketing options for growers who grow organically and biologically.
Benefits to the consumer
- Why quality varies?
- What things do you look for in buying good food?
- How good farm management is great for the environment and your health
This is a practical workshop by experienced farmers and consultants. There are well over 100 photographic slides. Bookings are essential;
Further information
Adam Willson
Soil Systems Australia
(07) 3162 0701
0423 679 110
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May 10th, 2010 tanner

Melbourne – June 4-6, 2010
Perth July 2-4, 2010
Sydney July 16-18, 2010
Adelaide October 8-10, 2010
Brisbane November 5-7, 2010
Come and discover a world of tastes, flavours, products and techniques, watch live demonstrations from celebrity chefs, try hands-on activities and sample an indulgent array of produce at the Good Food & Wine Show.
It will be like the biggest gourmet deli, most fascinating kitchen shops and award winning cellar doors – all under one roof!
With five shows nationally in 2010, don’t miss the one nearest to you!
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May 10th, 2010 tanner
Date: Tuesday 18 May 2010
Time: 3pm-6pm
(refreshments included)
Venue: Cairns Colonial Club
Behan St, Manunda
An open forum to generate discussion on business topics including: marketing; international trade; innovative customer service and intellectual property protection.
You and your clients will have the opportunity to participate and discuss ideas, question our guest speakers and network.
Event menu
Entrée: Andrew Griffiths
“Presentation counts”
A taste of marketing inspiration
Main: Paul Loeffler-White, IP Australia
“Who’s restaurant rules?”
Locking up your brand and IP
Dessert: A local business case study
“Cream of the crop!”
A real business’s recipe for success
For more information click here
Renee Chilton
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Ph: (07) 4721 0451 Fax: (07) 4721 0753 Mobile: 0429 000 398
AusIndustry Hotline: 13 28 46
Posted in ATF HOT NEWS, Courses,Training & Events | Comments Off on Innovation Kitchen
May 6th, 2010 tanner
A Letter from Connie Duncan
The Tastes of the Tablelands Festival will be held again this year on the 17th October 2010. We are holding it on a Sunday again as this day proved popular with everyone. The festival will go from 10am – 4pm. Last year many stallholders felt that 5pm was too late to finish and many stallholders packed up at 4pm. This Festival won an Australia Day Award for the best community Event in the Tableland region in 2008, an award the Rotary Club of Atherton is very proud of. We are inviting you to be part of this great event this year. We would love to see your business set up a stall this year and allow the visitors to the festival to see and experience your wonderful product. Last year 4000 people attended the festival and this year we are hoping to increase this number significantly as we intend to market further afield.
This great community event will be taking place again in the serene grounds of the Chinese Temple on Herberton Road, Atherton and it will once again be a showcase of the very best that the Tablelands has to offer. This will be a great opportunity for you to promote your business and your products. The day will be filled with cooking demonstrations, music, entertainment, a fashion parade, a vintage car/motorbike display, ice carving displays and children’s activities. The Chinese Temple Museum and the Art Gallery will also be open. All funds raised on the day will go towards community projects organized by the Rotary Club of Atherton.
If you are interested in being part of this great event please fill out an event registration form and return it to the address on the form or ring/email me so that I can allocate a stall for your business. I will then send an invoice for the amount owing.
If you are cooking/preparing food on the day you need to contact the Tableland Regional Council and ensure you have the correct certificates and equipment in place. There may be a fee involved if you are preparing food. If you wish to find out more about the day please contact Trevor or myself and we will endeavour to answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Connie Duncan
P.O. Box 104, Atherton
0407112712 40917757
(on behalf of Tastes of the Tablelands committee)
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May 6th, 2010 tanner
Mareeba 0900- 1130, Thurs. 13 May, TRC Boardroom, Mareeba
Chillagoe 1430- 1700, Thurs. 13 May, The Hub
Atherton 0930- 1200, Fri. 14 May, TRC Boardroom, Atherton
Presenter: Michael Nelson, Etch Marketing
The session will focus on the specific needs of those attending and present online ideas from a marketing perspective. You’ll be able to have many of your questions answered and leave with some easy actions that will make a real difference in promoting your business and your region. There will be ongoing resources provided for
you to work through in your own time.
For more information on-line-marketing
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