
limeLIME Citrus latifolia (Tahitian)
Citrus aurantifolia (West Indian)
Citrus hystrix (Kaffir Lime)

Intro: Use lime juice for cleaning the inside of coffee pots. Diluted lime juice will dissolve calcium deposits in tea kettles overnight. Grind a whole lime in the electric garbage-disposal to eliminate unpleasant odour. The leaves or an infusion of the crushed leaves may be applied to relieve headache.

History: Native to a region somewhere between India and Malaysia.

Shape: Oval or round in shape

Weight/size: The lime typically has a diameter of between 4.7 – 6.3cm diameter.

Colour: West Indian lime has a goldish yellow skin with small seeds. The Tahitian lime is green skinned with no seeds.

Kaffir Lime has a distinctive wrinkled skin.

Taste: West Indian lime has an extremely sharp lime flavour, whilst the Tahitian lime has a milder flavour.

Buying/storage: Choose a firm fruit with thin, shinny skin and one that is heavy for its size. (Sign of good juice content). Avoid any fruit which seems light for its size, shrivelled, soft or significantly discoloured. Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

Preparing/serving: Fresh fruit is used as garnish for meats and drinks. Fresh juice is used in beverages, marinating fish and meats and seasoning many foods. Frozen and canned juice is used
in similar ways. Great accompaniment with avocado.

Variety: Tahitian (Persian), West Indian (Mexican, Key Lime), Kaffir. Kaffir Lime is grown for the leaves which
are particularly used in Thai cuisine. The fruits, especially the fruit skin, may also be used. Kaffir lime has a very strong, characteristic fragrance. Dried leaves lose their flavour within a year and are better kept frozen.