Passiflora edulis
Intro: Passionfruit takes its name from its exotic flower, which is said to symbolize the Passion of Christ. Contrary to popular belief, passionfruits do not have to be wrinkled to be ripe.
History: Native to South America.
Shape: Round to oval
Weight/size: Diameter may vary between 4-6cm.
Colour: Range in colour from yellow to purple with leathery skin. The pulp is greenish orange.
Taste: Distinctive sour-sweet taste.
Buying/storage: Choose fruits that feel heavy for their size. Passionfruit may be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks or refrigerated for up to a month. Storing in a plastic bag will prevent the fruit from dehydrating. The pulp freezes and stores very well.
Preparing/serving: To eat fresh, simply cut the fruit in half and scoop out the pulp and seeds with a spoon. Both are edible, but the pulp can be strained to make a refreshing drink. Strained fruit can also be made into ice-cream and sorbets. Passionfruit enhances the flavour of all other fruits and makes a delicious topping for a pavlova or cheesecake.
Variety: Yellow, Purple, and Red.